I should've kissed you

Kapitel 55:
Harry's P.O.V
I was half awake and did my best to remember things from last night. I didn't remember much, just that I hung out with Ali alot and I think we went home together. I didn't want to open my eyes so I placed my arm to see if there was anyone laying next to me and it was. Fuck, I must have gone home with Ali and you know what would have happend. I mean when I get drunk I'm a real flirtatious boy. Its not like I didn't want to be with Ali it was just that I knew that we were going home today and probably wouldn't be coming back any time soon. I slowly opened my eyes and didn't find Ali next to me, I found Louis. But I was so sure that I had slept with Ali? This was alot to think about meanwhile your head is on the edge to explosion. I started to shake Louis a bit and he woke up almost instantly.
- What?
- Did you sleep here allnight?
- Who else would sleep here?
- Ali.
I could tell that he was hiding something but I didn't know what it was. He looked like he was choosing between life and death and gazed over to the door a couple of times.
- Did you sleep here all night?
- Okay fine, no I didn't. Ali sneeked out earlier but she didn't want me to tell you that she was here.
- Why wouldn't she want that?
- She was trying to fix everything considering you blew it lastnight. You know you can't be seen with someone else while you're fake dating.
- I know..
He turned around and went back to sleep. I took a quick peak at my phone and wrote a text to Ali: I know we did something stupid and I regret it as much as you do but please don't let this ruin our friendship? You're are still saying good bye to us later right? I checked twitter and wrote a little random tweet about lampshades. Just as I was looking threw my mentions I got a text form Ali: Lets just forget it? Sure, I'll be there at 3pm. I simply smiled and was happy. Ali had no idea that I was fake dating and she didn't need to know. Just as I was laying my head against the pillow I started to panic. She would be here by 3pm and we were leaving 3,15. What was the time now?
Liam's P.O.V
A scream woke me up from my sleep. I felt good, I didn't drink alot and I had a really nice time with Alyssa and Zayn. Suddenly Harry came in to our room and started to scream something that I wasn't able to hear.
- Slow down Harry, what is happening?
- We are leaving in 30 minutes!!
- What?
- Yes pack up all your things.
I stood up and started to throw stuff thorwards my suitcase. Niall simply buried his head in his own pillow and I had to tear him from bed. He slowly picked up his stuff and threw the in to his suitcase. I was ready when the doorbell rang and I ran downstairs with my suitcase and opened the door. Ali stood there with sweatpants and a hoodie. Her hair was in a pony tail and she looked exhausted but smiled any way. I let her in and excused myself and ran upstairs to get dressed. When I came in to the room I saw Niall laying in the bed once again. I carried him and laid him on the floor in front of his suitcase. I got dressed with the clothes I've left and then helped Niall with his packing. I could here someone curse outside our door but I didn't mind, I just kept on packing.
Ali's P.O.V
När Liam öppnade dörren stod han endast i kallsonger och en t-shirt. Jag hade förväntat mig det av Harry men inte av honom. Jag såg på hela honom att han var stressad och med tanke på att det endast stod en väska klar nere vid dörren så antog jag att dom precis hade börjat packa. Han släppte in mig och ursäktade sig sedan sprang han upp för trappan. Jag gick in till köket och kollade i kylskåpet och fann endast ketchup och hamburgerdressing. Jag kollade sedan i frysen och den var nästintill full, jag grävde ut några hamburgare och startade steka. Jag hörde svordommar ovanifrån och skrattade lite försiktigt. Några dunsar i trappan sedan stod Zayn och Louis framför mig. Dom skulle precis börja prata när jag tystnade dom genom att räcka över hamburgare till dom. Dom log tacksamt och började gluffsa i sig. Efter en stund var alla nere och åt på varsin hamburgare, Niall kom ner sist och såg mer död ut än levande. Hans ansiktsuttryck förrändrades dock när han såg hamburgarna.
- How are we going to be able to live threw a hungover without you being there to make us hamburgers?
- So that's what you have been using me for.
Vi skrattade och pratade om att vi var tvungna att hålla kontakten, innerst inne visste jag att det inte skulle hålla. Vi var från två helt olika världar och det var knappast så att dom skulle krossas igen. Det tutade utanför och killarna kollade på varandra och suckade. Det var deras skjuts. En och en gick dom fram till mig och sa några väl valda ord, sist var Harry.
- Ali, I know we've been up and down but to me you're a really good friend. One of thoose friends you don't have alot of. Promise me we will stay in thouch.
- I can't promise you anything.
- Augh come on, lets finish this by being happy.
- Grouphug.
Det borde kännts sorgligt men jag kände glädje. Glädje över att få ha träffat dessa underbara människor, glädje över att få umgås med dom, glädje över att dela skratt och glädje över att alltid ha någon där som förstod en. Dom hade utan tvekan gjort min sommar till något extra och det var jag otroligt tacksam över. Vi promenerade gemensamt ut och alla hoppade in i bilen utan Niall. Han ställde sig framför mig och var nära tårar. Åh nej, jag kunde inte hantera när andra grät.
- Ali, I just wanted to say that you're the best girl friend I've ever had. You are funny and yo get me. It hurted when we decied to just to keep it as friends but it was better that way. I will allways consider you as my sister and even if we never meet again I want you to know that I will never forget you.
- Aw Niall, you're impossible to forget!
Han kramade om mig och en ensam tår lämnade mitt öga, han torkade bort den och vände sig sedan om. Jag såg bilen köra bort och det var då det slog mig, jag skulle förmodligen aldrig mer träffa dom. Dom blev större för varje dag som gick och jag var fortfarande samma gamla tråkiga Ali.
Jag tror inte ni förstår hur svårt det är att skriva när man har en nutellaburk brevid sig som bara väntar på att bli äten. Aja ett kapitel i alla fall, Kommentera?

» ida
» Felicia
HAHAHAHA Nutella <3 åhh. VARFÖR SÅ BRA PÅ ATT SKRIVA SÅ ATT DU HÅLLER MIG UPPE?! ;) <3 haha kommer det ett kap till ikväll, vill inte missa nåt om jag sover u know ;) <3
» Nathalie
guuuuud vailket bra kapitel !!