I should've kissed you

Jag blev snabbt utråkad så jag tog upp datorn och bestämde mig för att starta en blogg.
¨I've decided its time to tell the truth. Partly cause I hate fightning with my bestfriend and partly cause I need to get this of my cheast. Some may not belive me, some will. So here's my story. My name is Ali, I am a ordinary girl always has been always will be. My bestfriends name is Alyssa and I love her to death. Actually she's the reason I am doing this, but I'll come back to why later. Anyways it was just an ordinary day and Alyssa was throwing a party and ofcourse I was attending. And well I had a little to much to drink so I don't remember to much from that night. But I do remember that I woke up in this house that was unknown for me. I had no idea where I were but that doesn't really matter. This really nice guy had helped me when I was drunk and offered me his bed to sleep in. You may think that I slept with him but I didn't, he's a to nice guy to do something like that. When I came downstairs there was another guy there and we started to talk. I didn't stay long and when I went to Alyssa's house a while later there they were. The boys where there and looked for me. Thats how Alyssa found out about the two guys and she imidiatly started to think that I was hooking up with one of them, which is not the truth. I started to hang out with the guys and they introduced me to their friends and they told me something that you won't belive. They told me they were famous and had this band called One Direction. I know what you're thinking, no way? But yeah its true, the boy I slept at was Zayn's house and the other boy was Niall. I spent some time with them and started to get to know them and soon realised that they are some of the coolest guys alive. But still Alyssa had no idea, so when I met her she kept on asking me about Zayn and Niall but I didn't want to tell her cause I was afraid that she would... I don't really know what I was afraid of. So we got in to this fight and I asked Niall to meet me so I could talk things out with him. We met up and talked, then he had to go. Since I know Niall its not likely that he wouldn't send me a text as soon as he got of work but I never got that text. So I called him and he was really mad at me. So now both my bestfriend and the guy that I consider to be my best male friend are mad at me. I just wanted to say that I am truely sorry for whatever I've done to you loverboy and Alyssa now you know the truth. I hope you both can forgive me or at least talk to me about it. Love Ali.¨
En enorm lättnad kom över mig när jag tryckte på save and publish. Jag gick in på twitter och skickade en länk till bloggen till Alyssa och skickade ett sms till Niall med blogglänken. Jag förväntade inte att någon av dom skulle ens bry sig tillräckligt mycket för att läsa det ens men just nu var jag nöjd över att jag bara hade fått fram mitt budskap.
Alyssas P.O.V
I've been sleeping terrible all night. I couldn't get over the fight that I had with Ali. The worst part is that I am not really mad at her. I woke up early and made a cup of tea and then sat on my bed watching the telly. Suddenly my phone virbrated. It was something from twitter. At first I didn't even open the notification but at last I got to curious and saw that it was from Ali. Just a link to a blog and I clicked on the link. All theese questions flew around in my head I couldn't stop thinking why she would even try to conect with me after last night. The blog was plain, no fancy design just the ordinary that you get when you create a blog. I started to read the post that was named: I'm sorry for being a duche. I soon found out that this blog was Ali's and I read it with out blinking and felt really bad cause she thought I was mad at her. I called her straight away.
- Ali I am so sorry, lets just forget about it. okay?
- No no I am the one who should be appologising.
Nialls P.O.V
I got the text from Ali but couldn't even care less, last night she basicly told me she was ashamed of me being famous and that she didn't want to tell her friend about me cause she would be embarrased. Suddenly Zayn entered the room.
- Seriously man whats wrong? Ali called me and she doesn't know why you're acting like this nor do I. Can you just please tell me?
I said nothing I just sat there and then my stupid phone vibrated again and the Ali text showed again. Zayn took my phone and easly got the code right. And I just watched him do it. Nothing could change the fact that I was mad at Ali. Zayn just stood there and read something, I got really curious and I felt the need to say something.
- What are you doing?
- Dude I never ask you to do anything but you really have to read this.
He threw the phone at me and then walked out the door. I looked at the phone and a long blog post appeared. I started to read and my madness slowly went away.
Mycket engelska här ja. I dag är jag så jäkla slut. Blev inte mycket sömn igår och tror att jag även fick tinitus på kuppen. Men kul hade jag, badade mitt i natten samtidigt som killar kollade på. Ta mig tillbaka.

» ida
fattar fortfarande inte varför han skulle bli sur... har någon ringt han och sagt något eller varför trodde han det?
Ush va bra haha ÄLSKAR! <333