I should've kissed you

Kapitel 66:
Niall's P.O.V
It wasn't the same to perform anymore. I didn't get that special buzz anymore. I knew that the boys felt the same thing but we didn't want to admit it. We had just ran off stage and we all laid down. I shared the sofa with Harry and the rest laid on the floor. I was worried for Ali. I felt horrible for me not being there. Something was wrong and I don't know if its for the best not knowing. I heard a soft moan from Harry and smiled abit. We all started to make theese different sounds. Wow we were really odd. Paul entered the room and we all got quiet. He smiled at us, Paul was like a father. He was our tour father.
- Great show tonight!
None of us said anything, we just waited for the 'but' to appear. It was allways a but.
- But you have to do some interweivs and meet some fans.
I loved meeting fans. They are the reason that we are who we are, even if they cross the line I still love them. But the interwievs was just a pain. It was allways the same questions. Sometimes it was fun but not often. We pulled it together and were lead into a room and got some more makeup put on. Gosh I felt like a girl. We sat down on some chairs and were told that the interwievers would come in soon. We all sat and thought, I didn't want to think. I knew that the only thing I would think about was Ali. Suddenly the door opened and this beautiful girl entered the room. I could almost hear Harrys smile and how he suddenly got very intressted. She sat down infront us and pulled the ordinary first question.
- To start things of, are you guys single?
- Well Louis and Liam are occupied, but the rest of us are single and ready to mingle, what about you?
- Haha wow, cheeky.
- So I've been told.
I didn't react that much but wow, Harry was flirting. I was kind of spaced out and when the all yelled Niall that's when I reacted.
- Yeah?
- The lady here asked you a question.
- Oh sorry, I just have alot to think about.
- No worries. So, do you meet Ali anymore?
- How do you know who Ali is?
- Your fans know everything.
- Well... Not as much as I want to.
The girl took notes and looed pleased. Something told me that she would change the story and make it sound like me and Ali are together. To be honest I didn't really care. The interwiev was over and I saw Harry asking the girl for her number. She simply showed her hand infront his face and on the left hand there was a ring. I got shocked and well I can only imagine how shocked Harry must have gotten. Harry took the place next to me and I had to teas him abit.
- That girl was pretty hot, don't you think?
- Don't bother, she's engaged.
I couldn't help it, I laughed and he punched me softly on my arm. The door entered and two girls walked in. They looked really nervous and look really contenrated. I huged them and then we took our places and the camera went of. First picture of many.
Ali's P.O.V
Jag soppade bort det värsta och slängde det trasiga. Lägenheten såg inte lika mysig och hemtrevlig ut längre. Jag dubbelkollade att jag hade låst ordentligt och gick sedan o la mig i soffan. Jag kollade på den stora bokhögen framför mig. Det var lika bra att börja plugga. Så att jag skulle ligga någorlunda på samma nivå som mina blivande klasskompisar. Om endast några dagar skulle jag börja en helt ny skola och träffa helt nya människor. Spännande men samtidigt otroligt läskigt. Jag började med matten, efter endast en sida med lite genomgång gav jag upp. Pluggandet kunde vänta.
Sitter just nu på pappas kontor och väntar på honom. ¨Bara¨ tjugo minuter kvar tills han sa att han skulle vara klar. Lär dock inte stämma.. Aja ett kapitel. Kommentera?

» ida
SKITBRA KAPITEL!!! har väntat sååå länge tills nästa :D <3
» Natalie
HEEEJ! ÄÄLSKAAR! Du har ingen aning hur ledsna alla var för att du skulle sluta.. såg din happy birthday video till Liam! Dog av garv när ni hade choklad i ansiktet och du typ sanågot, ni sjunger feeett fint! Två frågor: Hur gammal är du? Vem är din såkallade "man" i 1D? :D